
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Australia halts some Japanese food imports amid radiation scare | The Australian

Australia halts some Japanese food imports amid radiation scare | The Australian: "halts"halt
  1. 〔一時的な〕中止、中断、停止
  2. 〈英〉〔鉄道の〕停車場、小さな駅
    ・Halt! : 止まれ!/動くな!
    ・Halt, who goes there! : 止まれ、何者だ!◆軍などで使用していたちょっと古い決まり文句。冗談でも使える。
    ・Company, halt! : 全体、止まれ。◆隊列の行進などを止める号令。
    ・At the meeting, the government agreed to halt preparatory work on the two runways. : その会合で、政府は2本の滑走路の建設準備作業を中止することに同意しました。
  1. ためらう、ちゅうちょする
  2. 〔議論や詩の構造が〕不完全である、欠陥がある
  3. 〈軽蔑的〉足が不自由な、足を引きずっている
Japan food

Cafferty File: Tell Jack how you really feel Blog Archive - Why is there no looting in Japan? « - Blogs

Cafferty File: Tell Jack how you really feel Blog Archive - Why is there no looting in Japan? « - Blogs


Monday, March 21, 2011

''humanitarian travesty''

















Clay Pot Sharks Fin Soup

Surawong Kieak Shark Fin Cuisine
สุริวงศ์ เกี๊ยก หูฉลาม

ギャック フカヒレ レストラン
場所:スリウォン通り沿い TOYOTAショールームの隣位294/3-4, Surawong Rd, Bangrak,Bangkok 10500
電話:02-236-1747 営業時間:10時30分から22時30分

取引先の方に連れてきていただいた”噂”の・・ 明日からかなり真面目な出張なんで今夜は美味しい物と思ったけどなんでタイでフカヒレか?
Clay Pot Sharks Fin Soup
これが売り物のCraypot shark fin soupようは土鍋いりフカヒレスープ、別添のパクチーともやしをいれて召し上がる

次にBaked Prawn with Glass Noodles つまり カニ爪いり春雨炒め これがあとで聞いたらなんと時価、うまいわけだね。でも春雨はなんだかガム見たいだな
Goong Ob Woon Sen (Baked Glass Noodles with Prawns)

came with the largest prawns I have ever seen ってか

The Dome at lebua, Sirocco

Located on the 63rd floor of The Dome at lebua, Sirocco is the world's highest al fresco restaurant and one of Bangkok's most coveted dining choices. It never fails to leave one mesmerized with a breathtaking view of Bangkok and the Chao Phraya river, an amazing Skybar and quality Mediterranean fare with ingredients from the world's best markets. Live jazz music featuring vocalists of international repute, adds to its captivating ambiance for a perfect evening.

• Listed under 'Hot Tables' & 'Hot Night' by Conde Nast Traveler, 2005
• Reputed to be the most spacious open-air roof top restaurant in Asia
• Open daily from 6.00 pm - 1.00 am (Last order at 11.30 pm)



who knows what is correct???

Air NZ boss: Nuke threat overplayed - travel | "humanitarian travesty'"

Air New Zealand CEO and pin-up boy Rob Fyfe

Sunday, March 20, 2011

“seat of the pants”の検索結果(8 件):英辞郎 on the WEB:スペースアルク

“seat of the pants”の検索結果(8 件):英辞郎 on the WEB:スペースアルク: "seat of the pants"

seat of the pants
ズボンの尻の部分◆【参考】fly by the seat of one's pants
seat-of-the-pants approach
seat-of-the-pants landing
take a seat-of-the-pants approach
kick in the seat of the pants
by the seat of one's pants
・She passed the audition by the seat of her pants. : 彼女は、すれすれでオーディションに合格しました。
fly by the seat of one's pants

Radiation doses

Radiation doses

Health Canada lists the exposure limits for licensed sources of radiation as 100 mSv over five years and 50 mSv in a year for workers and 1mSv in a year for members of the public.

FAQs: Radiation's health effects - Health - CBC News

FAQs: Radiation's health effects - Health - CBC News: "Radiation dosage is measured in sieverts (Sv). Short-term exposure of the whole body to about 10,000 mSv or 10 Sv would cause immediate illness, such as nausea and decreased white blood cell count, and subsequent death within a few weeks, according to the World Nuclear Association."

Comparing radiation levels

  • Airline crew flying from Tokyo to New York by polar route: 9 mSV/year.
  • CT abdomen: 8 mSV.
  • Vomiting, nausea: 1,000 mSV.
  • Death within a month for about half exposed to a single dose: 5,000 mSV.
  • Short-term, whole body exposure resulting in immediate illness and death within a few weeks: 10,000 mSV

Sources: FDA, Reuters, World Nuclear Association

The Associated Press: Japan's efforts to ease nuke crisis hit setback

The Associated Press: Japan's efforts to ease nuke crisis hit setback

Another nuclear safety official acknowledged Sunday that the government only belatedly realized the need to give potassium iodide to those living within 12 miles (20 kilometers) of the nuclear complex.

The pills help reduce the chances of thyroid cancer, one of the diseases that may develop from radiation exposure, by preventing the body from absorbing radioactive iodine. The official, Kazuma Yokota, said the explosion that occurred while venting the plant's Unit 3 reactor last Sunday should have triggered the distribution. But the order only came three days later.

"We should have made this decision and announced it sooner," Yokota told reporters at the emergency command center in the city of Fukushima. "It is true that we had not foreseen a disaster of these proportions. We had not practiced or trained for something this bad. We must admit that we were not fully prepared."

Contamination of food and water compounds the government's difficulties, heightening the broader public's sense of dread about safety. Consumers in markets snapped up bottled water, shunned spinach from Ibaraki — the prefecture where the tainted spinach was found — and overall express concern about food safety.

Experts have said the amounts of iodine detected in milk, spinach and water pose no discernible risks to public health unless consumed in enormous quantities over a long period of time. Iodine breaks down quickly, after eight days, minimizing its harmfulness, unlike some other radioactive elements which remain in the environment for decades.

The governor of Fukushima, where milk contaminated with iodine was found at one farm Friday, urged dairy farmers across the prefecture to halt all sales — just short of a ban in consensus-driven, if polite, Japan.

Edano, the government spokesman, tried to reassure the public for a second day running Sunday. "If you eat it once, or twice or even for several days, it's not just that it's not an immediate threat to health, it's that even in the future it is not a risk," Edano said. "Experts say there is no threat to human health."

No contamination has been reported in Japan's main food export — seafood — worth about $3.3 billion a year, less than 0.5 percent of its total exports.

shun, snap up,foresee,compound, discernible, halt

Japan hit by another aftershock - World - CBC News

Japan hit by another aftershock - World - CBC News: "played down"

Concern over tap water

Also worrisome were the traces of radioactive iodine detected in tap water in Tokyo, 220 kilometres from the overheating nuclear plant in Fukushima prefecture, and in several other prefectures, although again the government played down any safety concern.

The iodine in Fukushima tap water tested above safety limits on Thursday, the government said, but had fallen to within legal limits by Saturday.

The food and water reports were the first since the March 11 quake and tsunami knocked out power to cooling systems at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear complex. Four of the plant's six reactor units have experienced fires, explosions or partial meltdowns.

The contaminated milk was found on farms 30 kilometres from the plant, and the spinach was collected between 80 and 100 kilometres to the south, Edano said.

The government has banned sales and exports of food from the areas where the tainted food was found.

play down
  1. 軽視する、見くびる
    ・The company played down their role in the scandal. : 会社は、スキャンダルにおける彼らの役割を軽視しました。
  2. 調子を落とす[さげる]、控えめに扱う、謙遜する
  3. 宣伝しない、もみ消す

Japan hit by another aftershock - World - CBC News

Japan hit by another aftershock - World - CBC News: "rattled"

Food contamination

In another development, spinach and milk from farms near the stricken nuclear plant show radiation above the safety limit, and some tap water is showing traces of radioactive iodine, an official said Saturday.

Yukio Edano, the chief cabinet secretary, said more foods will be checked, but what has been discovered so far poses no immediate health risk. He said a person would have to drink the milk for a year to ingest as much radiation as in a CT scan. A year of the spinach would amount to about one-fifth of a CT scan.

"It's not like if you ate it right away you would be harmed," Edano told reporters in Tokyo as Japan's nuclear crisis entered its second week. "It would not be good to continue to eat it for some time."

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